
  • 正在播山姆·克萊默克的時(shí)間機器
  • 山姆·克萊默克的時(shí)間機器影評
  • 劇情介紹
Since 1977, Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film, the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year, NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity, Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time, memory and what it means to be human.  ‘This year will be my year, it has to be!’ Since 1977, Sam Klemke - a pioneer status updater - has looked back on ‘his year’ using video. With the illusion of progress, he hopes to encourage ‘personal growth and improvement’.  Documentary maker Matthew Bate met Klemke on Facebook and became acquainted with his video 35 Years Back Through Time, a super-cut in which Klemke counts backwards from 2011 to his ambitious teenage self. Intrigued by this obsessive film project, Bate used Klemke's personal archive to create a documentary collage that feels like an intimate road trip, with Klemke providing valuable lessons about time. Along the way, he dismantles the dream of success and happiness. Klemke's self-mockery and honesty give the whole thing a light, breezy feel.  Through this, Bate interweaves NASA’s Golden Record Project which, just like Klemke’s video project, was launched in 1977. This juxtaposition creates a reflection in which Bate sketches the comprehension of time and self-documenting stories as an inherent human need.


  • HD中字所羅門(mén)Ben,Cross,Anouk,Aimée,Vivica,A.,Fox
  • HD中字忘年的蝴蝶花蘿拉·克雷頓,斯坦尼斯拉斯·莫哈,阿黛拉·哈內爾,薇拉莉·鄧澤里,Ferdinand,Régent,Barthélémy,Guillemard,安托萬(wàn)·夏佩,瑪麗蓮·坎托,瑟奇·倫科,弗雷德里克·皮耶羅,帕斯卡·切爾沃,米歇爾·莫雷蒂,Stéphane,Bouquet,Ga?lle,Obiégly,Thomas,Clerc
  • HD中字我們年輕,我們強大約納斯·奈伊,Trang,Le,Hong,大衛·史崔梭德,喬爾·巴斯曼,莎斯琪亞·羅森道爾,Paul,G?bler,David,Schütter,雅各布·比伯,葛赫·斯旺耶·科爾霍夫,喬梅楊,Aaron,Le,Larissa,Fuchs,Axel,Pape,索斯藤·默滕,Enno,Trebs,馬提亞斯·布倫納,瑪蒂娜·艾特納-阿奇姆彭,Claudia,Loerding
  • HD中字無(wú)形的枷鎖喬治·拉夫特,簡(jiǎn)·布賴(lài)恩,威廉·霍爾登,亨弗萊·鮑嘉,弗勞拉·羅博森,保羅·凱利,李·帕特里克,亨利·奧尼爾,Frankie,Thomas,莫洛尼·奧爾森,Margot,Stevenson,馬克·勞倫斯,Joe,Downing,萊奧·喬西,William,Haade
  • HD有時(shí)候,永遠不比爾·奈伊,薩姆·賴(lài)利,愛(ài)麗絲·洛維,珍妮·艾加特,蒂姆·麥克納尼,約翰·韋斯特利,奧利弗·辛德庫普,路易斯·希利,埃拉·格蕾絲·格雷戈爾,艾倫·威廉姆斯,伊斯妮·布朗,阿列克謝·賽爾,安德魯·希姆
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