


  • 主演:杜夫·龍格爾,布萊恩娜·伊維根,肖恩·法瑞斯,喬·胡爾特拉斯,Alyshia,Ochse  
  • 導演:愛(ài)德華多·羅德里格斯  
  • 分類(lèi):恐怖片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:2012
  • 更新:2024-02-22
  • 簡(jiǎn)介:  A couple love their new house, bought for a steal out of a foreclosure. During their first visit they find illegal drugs stashed in the walls, and they realize this is not their dream house. As they are about to leave, suddenly their exit is blocked by a gun-wielding neighbor Spector and his accomplice. They come to realize the house is hiding more than drugs - it's the operation center for mass drug czar who is buried beneath the floorboards. On the run from the professional killers who want the drugs and evidence, the resourceful couple will need to turn the tables on their attackers to survive.


  • 劇情介紹
  A couple love their new house, bought for a steal out of a foreclosure. During their first visit they find illegal drugs stashed in the walls, and they realize this is not their dream house. As they are about to leave, suddenly their exit is blocked by a gun-wielding neighbor Spector and his accomplice. They come to realize the house is hiding more than drugs - it's the operation center for mass drug czar who is buried beneath the floorboards. On the run from the professional killers who want the drugs and evidence, the resourceful couple will need to turn the tables on their attackers to survive.龍興影視網(wǎng)收集自其他網(wǎng)站發(fā)布。)


  • HD恐怖畢業(yè)照2陳圓,劉俐兒,宋偉,聶晶磊,柴子娣,李晨溪,劉沖兒
  • HD恐影檔案ThomasDekker,RobertEnglund,FionaDourif
  • HD恐怖假日洛倫扎·伊佐,馬克·斯達格,哈莉·奎恩·史密斯,賽斯·格林,克萊爾·格蘭特,露絲·布萊德利,阿萊卡薩·帕拉迪諾,艾娃·阿卡雷斯,邁克爾·格羅斯,喬賽琳·唐娜休,MadeleineCoghlan,SavannahKennick,HarleyMorenstein,安德魯·鮑文,珍妮弗·拉弗勒
  • HD中字爆裂追兇韋斯利·斯奈普斯,威廉·霍普,蒂姆·達頓,希薇婭·克洛卡,馬修·里奇,邁克爾·布蘭登,文森佐·尼克力,斯圖爾特·米里根,Evangelos,Grecos,Valentin,Teodosiu,塔妮婭·波帕,Roxana,Andronescu,Dan,Badarau,多麗娜·拉扎爾,Daniel,Pasleaga,Gabi,Burlacu,John,Maldea,Vasile,Albinet
  • HD恐怖電影院2殷果兒,黃梓城,劉小奇,閆薇兒,宋嘉豪,孫文慧,曲馨雅,武朋,任青安,丁柯予
  • HD中字斷頭氣托比·斯蒂芬斯,克勞迪·布萊克利,安迪·尼曼,巴布·塞賽,蒂姆·麥克納尼,勞拉·哈里斯,丹尼·戴爾,Sándor,Boros,萊文特·特爾克伊,John,Frankish,李亞男
  • HD中字瘋羊Matthew,Chamberlain,Tammy,Davis,Peter,Feeney
  • HD恐怖蠟像館伊麗莎·庫斯伯特,查德·邁克爾·墨瑞,布萊恩·范·霍爾特,帕麗斯·希爾頓,賈德·帕達里克,喬恩·亞伯拉罕斯
  • HD中字國王班底西恩·潘,裘德·洛,安東尼·霍普金斯,凱特·溫絲萊特,馬克·魯弗洛,派翠西婭·克拉克森,詹姆斯·甘多菲尼,杰基·厄爾·哈利,凱西·貝克
  • HD中字紅色之路凱特·迪基,托尼·庫蘭,安德魯·阿默爾,馬丁·康普斯頓,娜塔莉·普萊斯,保羅·希金斯
  • HD中字虎口巡航阿爾·帕西諾,保羅·索維諾,凱倫·阿蘭,理查德·考克斯,唐·斯卡爾蒂諾,喬·斯皮內爾,杰·阿克沃內,巴頓·海曼,艾倫·米勒,桑尼格魯索,艾德·奧尼爾,邁克爾·阿羅寧,詹姆斯·瑞馬爾,威廉姆·拉斯,邁克·斯塔爾,Steve,Inwood,基思·普倫蒂斯,Leland,Starnes,里奧·伯梅斯特,鮑沃斯·布斯,詹姆斯·蘇托里烏斯,Richard,Jamieson,吉米·雷·威克斯,Carmine,Stippo,詹姆斯·海登,Robert,Carnegie,Sylvia,Gassel,Penny,Gumen
  • HD恐怖直播河正宇,李璟榮,全慧珍,李大衛,金弘波,崔正賢,崔代勛,姜信哲,韓成天,孫成燦,金素真,金大明,金海仁

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